Marketing is a Long Game

Marketing is a long game.

Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. ⁠

The effort you put in now will pay off months from now.⁠

So that means if you want a busy and profitable fall season, you need to start planning for it now!⁠

First step?⁠

Write down what you want!⁠

Are you planning mini sessions this year? Pull out your calendar, pick your dates and let your clients know!⁠

Do you know that September is your busiest month? Remind your clients to get on the books now so they don't miss out!⁠

Use your social media accounts and blog to help your clients and potential clients plan and prepare. And don't forget to add every inquiry you get to your email list, with their permission of course!

Remember, marketing is a long game. If you need help jump starting your marketing plan, be sure to follow this link and sign up for my free training!

It will walk you through some of the common marketing mistakes photographers make, how to avoid them and what to focus on instead!⁠

You will walk away from this training with a framework you can start working on today! ⁠

I'll see you there!


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