Is It Intuition or Fear?

Intuition or fear

Resistance. I know you’ve heard it.

It's that little voice in your head that points out all the things that won't work for you.

It likes to tell you why you can’t do something.

It will tell you how it won’t work for you, even though it works for everyone else.

And I see it hold a lot of photographers back, ESPECIALLY when it comes to marketing.

"Marketing doesn't work for me."

"I'm sure blogging is helpful, but I hate it so I don't do it."

"Nobody reads what I write on my website, so what's the point?"

"I don't have enough followers to get anything out of social media."

Any of that 👆 sound familiar?

Here is the thing...that voice, resistance—it doesn't tell you the truth.

So how do you know if it’s intuition or fear?

That resistance is FEAR masquerading as intuition. And living in fear is the quickest way to keep your business stuck.

The truth is marketing ALWAYS works.

Regardless of where you live, how saturated the market is, or how many followers you have.

It will work. BUT, you need a plan.

And creating that plan starts with gaining clarity in your brand, knowing how to communicate effectively to your people, and consistency in your approach.

Let me help.

Follow the link below and download my 12-page eBook that will walk you through how to gain clarity, communication, and consistency in your business, and then use it to develop a marketing system that works!



Your Marketing, NOT Your Photography, Will Determine Your Succes!


How to Build a Photography Business