How to Build a Photography Business

I started my photography business back in 1999 sort of by accident.

At the time I was teaching kindergarten and needed to bring in some extra money. I started taking photos on the side to supplement my income and fell in love with it. Eventually I left teaching to pursue a full-time career as a photographer and have been a professional photographer ever since.

This career brings me joy, allows me to make my own schedule, and helps me support my family. But, it wasn’t always easy.

I made a lot of mistakes along the way. A lot of the same mistakes I see the photographers I coach make. And I don’t want that for you!

So allow me to share a few insights on how to build and grow a successful photography business.

Get clear on what YOU do and who YOU serve

Photographers often fall into the trap of looking at what their competition is doing, or what the popular trends in the industry are, and thinking that is what they SHOULD do in order to be successful in their own business.

This is one of the most common mistakes I see photographers make. (Follow this link to learn about the Three Marketing Mistakes Every Photographer Needs to Avoid in 2022)

The truth is we all have unique interests, unique backgrounds, unique passions, perspectives, and points of view that we bring to our work.  BUT for some reason, as soon as we start charging for what we do, we stop trusting that uniqueness, and instead, we try to be like everyone else.  

When you are chasing trends or trying to be like everyone else, however,  you and your work become, well, like everyone else.  

You become one of many.  

When you are one of many, the only thing that separates you from every other photographer in your market is price. And competing on price is a race to the bottom. 

BUT, when you show up and shoot the way YOU are called to shoot.  When you trust your authentic voice, your work stands out!  It becomes as unique as you. 

That uniqueness leads to developing a signature style.  And having a strong signature style is how you build a brand that will set you apart in a saturated market.

So instead of looking at what your competition is doing or what the popular trends are, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you love capturing?  

  • What kind of work were you drawn to before you ever thought of turning photography into a business?  

  • What is your unique take on the genre you work in?  

  • What could you photograph over and over and over again and never get sick of? 

  • How are you different?

Figure out what YOU do, and then look for the people who want that. I promise you they are out there. And they are looking for that special thing only you can give.

Marketing is just as important as talent

Hear me out. Being a good photographer is an important part of your job. Obviously. To build a successful photography business you must be able to take consistently good photos. BUT, being good or even great at photography is just one piece of the puzzle.

Building a strong, profitable photography business requires more than just talent.

It requires a marketing plan.

And this is where a lot of photographers go wrong.

They take a “winging it” approach to marketing.

They don’t take the time to learn what modern marketing is.

They don’t take the time to learn HOW to do it.

And instead, they spend their time trying outdated tactics that don’t work, spying on their competition to see what they're up to, asking for business advice in Facebook groups, and worst of all, thinking that the lack of clients in their business is a reflection of their photography skills.

Listen, a lack of clients, low engagement on social media, poor sales, ghosting, are all symptoms of a marketing problem- not a photography problem.

Learning how to market your business will change your business for the better.

I promise.

(Follow this link to sign up for my new training, Three Marketing Mistakes Every Photographer Needs to Avoid in 2022)

Invest in yourself not just your gear

Now I love investing in photography equipment too. But a new camera or a shiny new lens will not help you book more clients.

I also love going to workshops and photographing beautiful models in gorgeous locations! But adding another styled shoot to your portfolio is not going to help you rank on the first page of Google.

If you want to grow your photography business you must also be willing to invest in yourself, not as a photographer, but as a business owner.

And working with a trusted business coach is one of the fasted ways to learn accelerate your growth.

BUT not all coaches are the same! Here is what to look for when choosing a mentor:

  • Look for someone who is trained to teach and specializes in what you want to learn. There are a lot of photographers out there who are offering mentoring. Before signing up for a program, make sure the person teaching it is qualified to teach and has a history of getting results for their students. If you’d like to talk to someone I’ve coached on business and marketing, follow this link.

  • Look for someone with experience! Most photographers fail within the first 5 years of trying to run a business. So a mentor who has successfully been in business for 10, 15, 20 probably knows what they are doing! I myself am a certified teacher with over 20 years of experience in the photography industry. I’ve been teaching business and marketing for the past 8 years. And lighting and posing for the past 10 years! (Follow this link to see my Google reviews.)

Coaching can be a powerful tool to help you get where you need to be. But it does require work and a willingness to invest in your business.

Listen to what my Six Figure Studio student, David, has to say about investing in your business growth by clicking on the audio link below

Building a successful and Profitable photography business it totally possible

Friends, building a successful photography business is totally possible. I’ve done it and I’ve see the hundreds of photographer’s I’ve coached inside of The Six figure Studio do it, but it does require having a strong brand, and solid marketing plan and systems to help with consistency and efficiency!

If you’d like to learn more about what it takes to build a profitable photography business, follow the link below and sign up for me FREE training!


Is It Intuition or Fear?


What Every Photographer Needs to Know about Creating a Successful Business