Three Easy Steps to Creating Impactful Marketing Content

Are you wondering how you can create content based on your goals that will help you reach those goals? This is something I have been doing for years, and it can get you big results!


1. Start with a specific goal.

When you are setting goals, you want to avoid vague goals. Start with something very specific and measurable.

2. Ask yourself what step(s) you need to take in order to make that goal happen. Then, ask what your potential client would need to know about you to want to book.

If you want to book 2 additional clients per month, then you probably will need to focus on your marketing.

Your content should teach people what you do and why they need what you offer. This is part of your job as a business owner!

You want to show people what you do and why you are different from others in your niche. For example, I could talk about the benefits of baby-led posing, why studio photography is special, etc.

3. Answer those questions!

Once you have a list of ideas, then you can write out the answers to the list of questions you created. You can use that content that you wrote as blog posts, social media captions, Youtube videos, etc.!

Creating this kind of content is called content marketing, and it is the most effective kind of marketing that you could do. It changes your approach from feeling sale-sy to being helpful. Remember, trust equals sales.



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