Inside the Six-Figure Studio: What's Your Through Line?

The Six-Figure Studio is my signature group coaching program that helps photographers fine-tune their branding, marketing, and systems. This episode shares a snippet from one of our group coaching calls, revolving around getting in touch with the special gift you have as a photographer.


Figuring out what it is that YOU do is a fundamental part of building a profitable business.

One of my students realized that she is still drawn to the things she was initially drawn to when she first picked up a camera. If it's been there the whole time, it is part of your calling.

Once you notice what your calling is, everything starts to change. You do start to stand out. People will start going to you for what you do, because no one else can do it the same way as you.

Your through line is the message that is woven throughout your life. Think back to the way you were showing up and capturing things before you ever looked at anyone else's work or thought of it as a job. When you show up and shoot the way you want to, that's when the magic happens.


Are you ready to scale your photography business to six-figures?


Inside the Six-Figure Studio: What to Put on Your About Page


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