The Story of My FREAKING Life!

My birthday is November 28th, and some years it falls on Thanksgiving. Because of the timing, it's almost always overshadowed by the bigger holiday. This was pretty frustrating as a kid, because it was almost impossible to plan a party around that time.


This year, I'm turning 50!

Since it's a big birthday this year, I decided that I'm not letting Thanksgiving/Black Friday/Cyber Monday steal my thunder. As a part of this celebration, I'm having my first ever sale! It's called the "It's Not Black Friday, It's My Birthday" Sale.

I don't normally do sales, so this is kind of a big deal. The sale is going to run November 22nd-29th, and there are TONS of discounted things for you!

First, my brand new course Dark & Moody is going to be 50% off. This course was on my mind and in my heart for years, and I'm so excited to share it with you. I've been teaching a one-light approach to working with strobes and flash for a long time. In that time, I've taught thousands of photographers how to create soft, natural-looking light in that light and airy style I'm really known for.

What I know from working with lighting is that the same, one-light approach is not limited to the light and airy style. I've really been itching to teach some more techniques. In the course, we talk about what equipment to use and what different pieces of equipment can do for you. I also walk you through 8 different lighting patterns for creating different looks.

If you have a foundation in the one-light approach, this course is the next step. Even if you are just getting started with lighting and prefer a dark and moody look, you'll gain so much knowledge from the course.

In addition to Dark & Moody, a few of my other select courses will be on sale as well! Simply Posed, The Mini Method and Getting Started with Film will all be 30% off.

My book "Crafting the Natural Light Look" is also going to be 40% off, and Westcott gear will be discounted as well! Whether you are looking for some new photography gear or education, this sale will have something for you. Be sure to follow me on Instagram so you can get the link when everything goes live on November 22nd!



Love Dark & Moody Photography? This Episode Is for You!


Inside the Six-Figure Studio: "What is going on with your Instagram?!"