Day One: 2022 Marketing Makeover

Every year I do some kind of photography challenge in the Beyond Natural Light Facebook group or in a pop-up group. This year, I wanted to do something different that feels inspiring and fun! Instead of a marketing challenge, this year we’re having a Marketing Makeover New Year's Party! During day one, we'll be focusing on the first step to creating a marketing plan—knowing what you want.


What do you want?

This may sound obvious, but I have found that getting really clear on what you actually want out of your business is something that a lot of photographers really struggle with. Instead, they get caught in the trap of just taking any work that comes their way.

Taking this approach will burn you out, muddy your brand and confuse potential clients. It’s also really hard to market effectively for “what every people will pay me for”. You need to know your destination if you are ever going to get there. You need a goal. You need to know what you want.

I am a BIG believer in setting goals for the new year. I find that setting goals helps bring clarity and focus to my year, which makes achieving my goals, even the really big ones, much easier.

For day one of the Marketing Makeover, I want to know what your goals are for 2022. Do you want to make 10K this year, 100K or something in between? Would you like to boost your SEO and start ranking on the first page of Google? Do you want a specific number of clients each week or each month? Do you want to grow one area of your business, like your newborn clientele or weddings or something like that?

Day One Assignment

Spend some time thinking about what you want out of your business, and then share your business goal or goals in the Beyond Natural Light Facebook group. Do not skip this part! You need to know what the goal is if you are going to put together a marketing plan that will actually work. You need to be specific.

If you want four new clients a month, for example, we can put together a plan to help you get there. Instead if you have a vague goal like "grow my business", we don’t know what that really means. That makes it hard to build out the action steps to get you there.

Also, sharing your goals with others will help you achieve those goals. A famous study by Dr. Gail Matthews at Dominican University shows that you are 42% more likely to achieve a goal if you write it down. You are even MORE likely to achieve them if you share them with a friend after writing them down.

Think of every person in the Beyond Natural Light Facebook group as your 2022 business bestie, and share your goal or goals for the new year in group. This is step one to creating your marketing plan.



Day Two: 2022 Marketing Makeover


My Conversation with Richard Photo Lab!