Be a Help Desk, Not a Billboard!

According to my Facebook community, one of the biggest struggles photographers face is marketing. No one wants to sound too sale-sy, putting yourself out there can be uncomfortable and reaching clients in a saturated market feels impossible. If you can relate to any of this, you are not alone! We are going to take the mystery and fear out of marketing in this episode.


Marketing scares a lot of people.

Marketing can feel hard and complicated, and I used to worry about coming across as too pushy or sale-sy. I have learned a way to market myself and my business in a way that actually helps clients and potential clients.

It is 100% possible to market yourself in a fun, easy and SUPER effective way. Marketing is really just a fancy way of communicating. When you can take the pressure off and think of your marketing as a conversation, it comes naturally.

Tips for marketing success:

First, be a resource! Good marketing should solve a problem. It answers questions your clients may have and educates them on your brand. A great place to start is by going back and looking at questions you usually get from clients. Think about those common questions or concerns, and you can use that information to craft your marketing message.

When you are showing up as a help desk (not a billboard!), it will feel good and build trust. This trust will lead to sales!

Next, stop trying to be like everyone else. Don't base your strategy off of what others are doing, because everyone's business is different. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing, but a good marketing plan should support your unique business.

Lastly, feel the fear and do it anyway. Marketing scares a lot of photographers, so they choose not to do it. However, a strong marketing plan is essential for a successful business! Think about how you can serve your clients, answer their questions and educate them, and coming from a place of service will make the process less intimidating for you.



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