The Power of Content Marketing

I’ve been in business for a really long time. And I’m going to be honest with you, most of that time I had no idea what I was doing, particularly when it came to marketing.  

I made the mistake that many photographers make, which was not having a plan.

I thought if I had an ad in a magazine I was good. Or as long as I posted a pretty picture now and then on my blog and in my social media I was doing everything I could.

As a result I spent a lot of time chasing things that didn’t work and wasted a ton of money in the process.

Since then I’ve learned about what makes an effective marketing strategy, and how the MOST powerful marketing you can be doing can be done for absolutely free!  That is what I’m going to share with you today.

Content Marketing

If you want a to create a marketing campaign that actually works, Content Marketing is the way to go!

What is content marketing?

It is a thoughtful and planned marketing strategy in which your create content in the form of blog posts, video, social media posts and newsletters that speaks directly to questions or concerns that your ideal clients may have about what you do.

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

-Content Marketing Institute

It is a long term marketing strategy designed to create a relationship with your clients or potential clients, establish you and your business as an expert in your field and boost your SEO (search engine optimization) so that the people who are searching for what you do can easily find you.

Content Marketing shows that you know and care about your customers.  It helps build a relationship with your people and fosters customer loyalty.

How do you create a Content Marketing Plan?

Creating a strong Content Marketing plan starts with knowing your Ideal Client.  

What are their concerns?  What are the questions that they may have about what you do?  How can you help them?

When you know those things, you can write content that speaks directly to them.  

Below is an example of what content marketing looks like in a blog post.  

In this blog post, I’m answering a question for my client.  I’m educating them on how they can prepare for their session and in doing so I’m building trust before they even walk through my door.

You can then use the same themes that you are talking about on your blog in your social media posts and newsletters so that all forms of marketing are revolving around the same themes.

Once you start implementing this kind of marketing strategy you will be amazed at the results.  

Ready to learn more about how to grow and scale your photography business? Be sure to download my new 11-page eBook, The Six-Figure Photography Framework. You can get your copy here.


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