3 Tips for Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern that makes an individual doubt their accomplishments and talents. I've been in business for 21 years, but I still suffer from imposter syndrome. I am sharing this with you, because I know that I am not alone! We are probably all carrying around our own version of imposter syndrome.


1. Feel the fear, and do it anyway.

Imposter syndrome can stop us from pursuing opportunities that could help us grow. If we worry about others finding out we need some help, it could stop us from signing up for coaching or a course or something else that could help our businesses thrive. Acknowledge this is a symptom of imposter syndrome and these feelings about you are not true.

2. Acknowledge the voice, thank it for trying to keep you safe and then tell it to step aside.

That imposter syndrome voice is really just you trying to protect yourself. Dreaming big can feel scary and vulnerable, and imposter syndrome is a way that your brain deals with being scared. Take a breath, acknowledge the feeling and remind yourself that you are choosing growth over fear.

3. Share your feelings of imposter syndrome with others.

Once I started talking about my feelings of imposter syndrome with others, I realized that I was not alone. There is something comforting in knowing that we all struggle with imposter syndrome. We are all exactly where we are meant to be, and no one is going to think we are frauds for dreaming big.



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