What to Work On to Grow Your Photography Business

Are you Wondering what to work on to grow your photography business?

One of the biggest mistakes I see photographers make is not working on the business side of their business.

Instead of working on building an authentic brand and crafting a solid marketing plan, they spend their time working on becoming a better photographer.

And listen, this is a super tricky mistake because to build a profitable business you DO need to be able to take consistently good photos...⁠

BUT the ability to take good or even great photos does not mean that you will be able to make money taking photos.

That is just the truth.

To make money as a photographer, you must be able to stand out in a very saturated market. That requires a unique brand.

To make money as a photographer, you must be able to book clients consistently. That requires a marketing plan.

And to make money as a photographer, you need to be able to sell with confidence. That requires a clear understanding of who your clients are and what they want (and need).

The good news is all of those things can be learned.

The talent part, that is your gift—you've already got that.

So what to work on to grow your photography business is the business part! And then sit back and watch the magic happen!!


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