Artificial Light Does Not Have to Look Artificial

About 15 years ago when I was gifted my first set of strobes... and guess what? ⁠

I DIDN'T use them for years!⁠

It's true.⁠

They stayed packed away in a box in my storeroom because I was convinced they were not for me.⁠

I was a proud natural light photographer back then.⁠

Strobes seemed hard and technical and really not "my style".⁠

Can you relate?⁠

The truth, however, is that strobes and flash can look any way you want them to look, including as soft and natural looking as window light.⁠

The problem is, most natural light photographers don't know that.⁠

I certainly didn't.⁠

You see, the way flash photography is traditionally taught isn't a good fit for natural light photographers.⁠

It doesn't result in the soft, natural light look we love, and so we stay away from it.⁠

And that's a shame because the truth is relying entirely on natural light really limits what we can create and when we can do our jobs.⁠

The stress and frustration of trying to work around the weather is what finally pushed me to pull those strobes out of storage, dust them off, and get to work figuring them out.⁠

I knew I didn't want my work to look like traditional flash or studio photography. ⁠

So I developed a method that allowed me to create my own "natural light".⁠

And now I teach that method to others.⁠

Want to learn?⁠

Follow this link in and sign up for my FREE webinar. ⁠

In the webinar, I'll share some of the common mistakes photographers make when getting started with artificial light, and the framework for my signature "natural light" approach.⁠

See you there!⁠


What You Need to Know about Using Strobes and Flash in Your Photography


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