I Have Something to Say about Taylor Swift...and I Think You Should Listen

I have been raving about the genius of Taylor Swift to my family and friends for years, but I never thought I would bring that into my business (or this podcast) until today!


All of us, especially creatives, have something to learn from Taylor Swift.

When my niece turned 13, I surprised her with tickets to Taylor Swift's 1989 tour. The way she spoke to a stadium full of people inspired me. She was speaking about really important things like how you should trust yourself and believe in yourself. That was the moment that I became a huge fun!

Taylor Swift knew her audience and their pain points. She used her platform to talk to them in such a kind and meaningful way about things that mattered to them.

From a business point-of-view, Taylor Swift is a complete powerhouse. She knows her audience so well, and she owns who she is. Her personal brand is solid. Her messaging, marketing and ability to speak to her fans is brilliant. Not only that, but her ability to pivot is remarkable. With each pivot, she seems to get clearer on who she is.

The more you practice being yourself, the easier it gets. This is where the magic happens. The key to growing as a creative is getting extremely clear on what YOU do and then doing it, fearlessly.



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